
Wednesday 14 September 2011

In Processing at Ancestry's World Archives Project

The following British projects are "in processing" at Ancestry's World Archives Project, so should not take too long to appear online via Ancestry's databases:

* Kent, England, Tyler Index to Parish Registers
* Kent, England, Tyler Index to Wills (1490-1800)
* London, England, School Admissions and Discharges (1841-1911)
* London, England, School Admissions and Discharges (1841-1911) Form2
* Middlesex, England, Convict Transportation Contracts (1682-1787)
* Valuation Registers Perth, Scotland (1857-1899)

Still active are the following keying projects, though listed as 'unavailable' (being checked etc)
* Dorset Crew Lists 1863-1913
* Tax & Rent Records Perth, Scotland

For more on the World Archives Project visit


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