
Tuesday, 20 September 2011

My Heritage consolidates English language blogs

My Heritage ( has been quite a difficult beast to follow on social networking sites, simply because there were quite a few Twitter addresses, blogs etc under the same brand.

Now the company is consolidating all its English language postings onto three platforms - it will now blog at, tweet at!/MyHeritage and exist on Facebook at

I had the pleasure to introduce Laurence Harris at his talk last week at the National Family History Fair in Newcastle. There is a lot happening with the site just now, but I was particularly impressed at the potential of the "Smart Match" facility within its online user database, which not only looks for matching names in different people's different trees, but also for matching parents etc - providing more of a hot 'hot match' facility than a luke warm 'hot match'!

UPDATE: MyHeritage has also just bought BackUpMyTree, a free back up service for family tree data. For more see

(With thanks to @MyHeritage)


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