
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Scottish Catholic Archives update

The Scottish Catholic Archives website at has been updated to provide a source list for those researching Scottish Canadian Catholic heritage, with the connection first established following the settlement of Highland Scots in Nova Scotia in 1772. The Edinburgh based SCA has many useful resources including letters concerning such emigrants, so the source list may well be of immense use - find it directly at

The Scottish Catholic Archives has also now joined both Twitter and Facebook - for Twitter visit @ScotCathArch and on Facebook visit

(With thanks to Andrew Nicoll)


1 comment:


    Fears of ‘asset stripping’ as Church plans artefacts sale

    Published on Sunday 4 March 2012 00:00

    THE Catholic Church is considering selling off valuable historical artefacts to help fund a new £4 million Scottish national headquarters after the property crash left it out of pocket.
    Mario Conti, the Archbishop of Glasgow, instructed the Scottish Catholic Archives to compile a list of the rarest and most valuable items in the Church’s collection and find out their potential value at auction.
    In what one historian yesterday described as “asset-stripping”, the Church is considering the sale of items such as a 16th-century book of hours – an illuminated manuscript of prayers and psalms belonging to the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots – to raise up to £1.5m.
