
Sunday, 22 April 2012

Devon Family History Society Small Projects

I've just picked up on a great partnership project between the Devon Family History Society and all three record offices in Devon, which has been running for some ten years, and which aims to create transcriptions and/or indexes to several records sets of potential use for family historians from lesser known collections.

To date there have been some 188 publications from the project - a great example of what can be achieved between a family history society working in collaboration with its local archive. For more information visit

These are the kinds of projects that the big vendor corporations will likely not touch, but which are every bit as useful, proving that family history societies continue to have as much of a pioneering role to play in the 21st century genealogical landscape as they did in the 20th.

If you would like to join your local family history society, visit the Federation of Family History Societies page at for England and Wales, the Association of Family History Societies for Wales at, the Scottish Association of Family History Societies at or the North of Ireland Family History Society at

There are many other similar projects running across the UK, and they're always looking for people to help out - and they may just help you to smash a brick wall or two...!


British GENES on Facebook at and Twitter @chrismpaton

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