
Saturday, 5 May 2012

TNA podcast - Fortnum and Mason

The latest National Archives podcast from Kew is Selling history: the role of the past at Fortnum and Mason. Some blurb:

Founded in the year when Great Britain was created, the history of Fortnum and Mason is that of the development of British taste. It covers tea drinking, picnics, mail order, climbing Everest and knickerbocker glories. It is a history of change, and of constants. In 2012, the stories from its past are important communication and marketing tools in the battle to ensure sustainability and growth.

I have absolutely no idea who or what Fortnum and Mason is, but the podcast is available at or from iTunes!!! It's 35 minutes long.


British GENES on Facebook at and Twitter @chrismpaton


  1. Oh Chris - not knowing what Fortnum and Mason is. Everytime we are walking the streets of London (181 Piccadily) we stop in that store. If you have never been it is worth a tour next time you are there. The stuff can be expensive but you can get so much different there, especially if you are likely to be able to be able to eat it in a picnic basket. Have a look at their website to see some pictures of the store and what they sell

  2. London's a bit of a foreign planet to me, I get there once a year for WDYTYA and that's it! But Hastie's is good in Largs! :)

  3. Shame on you laddie LOL Lizzie and Phil would be likely customers for the picnic hampers, no way they'd order one from Harrods foodhall(tee hee!)

  4. One suspects Lizzie, Phil and I have different tastes...! :)
