
Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Archives Hub - regional search facility

From the Federation of Family History Societies (

Thank you to Jane Stevenson from Archives Hub for the following -

You may be interested to know that the Archives Hub ( now has a regional search at

The idea is to make it easier to search for archives held in particular parts of the country, which is particularly useful where a researcher wants to limit travel time. We've done this by including pre-defined regions. But we also have a search area box that can be moved by manipulating the corners, so researchers can customise the area. We would like to make it possible to resize and then drag this search area box, so that's on the 'to do' list.

In addition to the regional search, we have been working on our results list, which now includes the title and dates, and also our display, which includes a new utility bar, designed to enable us to add functionality over time, such as various links, output option, social networking widgets and information about digital content (e.g. - this is an example where you can see images as you scroll down the description).

NB: This is more for academic based archives than county based records offices etc, but very useful indeed for that!


Scottish Research Online - 5 weeks online Pharos course, £45.99, taught by Chris Paton from 26 SEP 2012 - see
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... (from June 12th 2012)

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