
Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Forthcoming PRONI events

From the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (

Events in September
Thursday 20th September, 6:30pm 
Dr Tim Bowman will be delivering the third in the Decade of Change, Conflict and Transformation lecture series. The talk is entitled The Ulster Covenant and Ulster Unionist resistance to Home Rule, 1912-14. All members of the public are welcome but please contact PRONI to secure a place by emailing
Saturday 22 September, 10am
PRONI will be exhibiting at the Spectrum Centre on the Shankill Road as part of the Collectors Fair & Ulster Covenant Exhibition.
Saturday 22 September, 1-4pm
PRONI will be exhibiting at the Liofa Birthday Party at Custom House Square, organised by DCAL. The Liofa 2015 project aims to promote the irish language and encourage 5000 people from all walks of life across the North to sign up to becoming fluent in Irish by 2015.
There will also be music from Goitse, Nodlaig Brolly, JJ Ó Dochartaigh and Cór Loch Lao and entertainment from Ariel Killick. There will also be street entertainers and characters as well as a bouncy castle and face painting.
Thursday 27 September 6:30
Broadcaster, William Crawley and Brian Henry Martin will be delivering a presentation entitled ‘The Story Arc of the Covenant: from signature to screen’ at PRONI. The event will focus on the making of Ulster Covenant, a one hour documentary which is due to be broadcast on BBC1 at 9pm on Thursday 29 September. All members of the public are welcome but please contact PRONI to secure a place by emailing
All events are free to attend.
Please contact us if you have any queries
(With thanks to Gavin McMahon)


Scottish Research Online - 5 weeks online Pharos course, £45.99, taught by Chris Paton from 26 SEP 2012 - see
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... (from June 12th 2012)

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