
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet - coming soon

This is just a quick note to announce that I have submitted the text for my next book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, to publisher Pen and Sword. The book is a follow up to a previous work, Tracing Your Family History on the Internet, which dealt with family history resources for the UK, and should be out early next year at some stage, though the date has still to be confirmed.

Although the first book included some resources for Northern Ireland, the new book deals with the whole of Ireland, and has been a heck of a lot of fun to write. It includes many resources you may have never come across before, lots of useful tips, detailed explanations on many record types and much more. I've discovered a lot from writing it that I will be putting to use, and I hope it will help with your own research in due course!

More details when I get them on publication - in the meantime, Tracing Your Family History on the Internet is still available from - enjoy!

As for my next projects - watch this space! 2013 is going to be just as busy...! :)

UPDATE: Spoke with publisher earlier - we're hoping to try to get the book available early next year, so we'll be making a big effort in the next few weeks to get it proofed, paginated etc - more news soon....!


Scottish Research Online - 5 weeks online Pharos course, £45.99, taught by Chris Paton from 26 SEP 2012 - see
New book: It's Perthshire 1866 - there's been a murder... (from June 12th 2012)

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