
Tuesday, 22 January 2013

IWM withdraws from War Memorials Online

From Frances Moreton of War Memorials Online (

Between January 2012 and January 2013, War Memorials Trust, IWM’s War Memorials Archive and English Heritage worked together to develop War Memorials Online, by sharing information, data and expertise.

Following IWM’s concerns about the unmediated editing of data it was decided that, in the interests of compiling the national register which is under its care, IWM’s War Memorials Archive would withdraw from the current project and remove its data.

War Memorials Online remains as a project focussed on obtaining information related to the condition of war memorials in the UK. The information gathered on the War Memorials Online website will help build a picture of the condition of Britain’s war memorials as we approach the First World War Centenary and it will contribute to ensuring adequate resources are available to make certain our war memorials are in good repair for centenary events.

IWM’s data will be removed from the website by the end of January 2013. Content checked or submitted by Third Parties (the public) or that provided by War Memorials Trust or English Heritage will remain on the website. War Memorials Online has benefited greatly from the contribution of IWM’s War Memorials Archive and will continue to be run by War Memorials Trust with the support of English Heritage. Information on war memorials submitted to War Memorials Online is accessible to the public and will be made available to the IWM’s War Memorials Archive, Historic Environment Records and other heritage bodies to support the protection and conservation of the nation’s war memorial heritage.

Any queries on the above should be directed to Kevin Redgate, War Memorials Online Administrator on

(With thanks to Francis Moreton)


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