
Saturday, 6 April 2013

Deceased Online - price increase and new records

Deacesed Online ( has increased its prices and released more records - here's the announcement:

Deceased Online price rises ... and some reductions too

For over 4 years we have kept document viewing prices fixed at a low rate. Unfortunately, due to increased costs, we can't hold off price increases any longer.

The increases apply to register page scans and computerised register records only; all other prices will remain unchanged. The minimum purchase has been raised in line with this.

The good news is that we are doubling the discounts on quantity credit purchases and more special offers will be available in due course.

The price increases will help us to add more records sooner, which we are sure you will applaud, and to develop the website to incorporate some of our users' excellent ideas.

Searching names on the database is still free.

The price changes will come into effect at 12:00 GMT (13:00 BST) on April 22nd. The new rates can be viewed at

We hope you agree that Deceased Online offers excellent value for access to its unique database of burial, grave and cremation records, and that its ever-increasing rate of expansion will bring more records of interest to you.

More new data on Deceased Online

14,500 burial records with register scans for the historic St Paul's Church, Bedford dating from 1567 to 1855 have just been added. See details at

There are now over 12 million data items on Deceased Online from Aberdeen in North Scotland to South Devon

Coming soon in April and May...

All records for a major council in Greater Manchester
One of the UK's most celebrated Victorian Garden Cemeteries - the first of the renowned 'Magnificent Seven' cemeteries to have all records digitized and placed online

(With thanks to Deceased Online)


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. For my other genealogy books, please visit; whilst for my online Scottish based genealogy courses please visit the Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd site.

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