
Monday, 29 April 2013

Happy birthday Belfast

Happy birthday to Belfast, which celebrated its 400th anniversary on Saturday, the original royal charter having been signed on 27 APR 1613. The BBC has another wonderful audio visual presentation at looking at its remarkable history (it mentions the Tall Ships race towards the end, which I worked at in the docks as a security guard many years ago!).

Belfast has had a hard time of it in the past, bedevilled by problems on many fronts. But Belfast also has many successes, and much to be proud of. I've lived in Scotland since 1997, but believe me when I say I will always consider Belfast MY capital city, in a way that Edinburgh will never be! :)

The Belfast Telegraph is giving away Belfast 400 posters this week - further details at

Happy birthday Belfast - and good luck and better prosperity for the next four hundred years!


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. For my other genealogy books, please visit; whilst for my online Scottish based genealogy courses please visit the Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd site.

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