
Thursday, 27 June 2013

1921 Canadian census petition

The Canadian Government is still not playing ball with the release of the 1921 Canadian census, which should have been released three weeks ago, and for which it is claimed they could not understand why they should bother when only 'three little old ladies' would be interested. Sadly for the Canadian Government, those three wee women are genealogists, and along with thousands of others are not impressed. Hell hath no fury like three wee Canadian genies scorned...

It's hard enough waiting for a census to be released as it is, without being denied access to one when it should have been made available, particularly one all digitised and sitting there, all dressed up with nowhere to go. Louise McGinnis Schulze has blogged at Olive Tree Genealogy about a new petition started by her blog reader Bill Robinson to demand access. I've just signed - I want to know what happened to two of my gran's first cousins in Ontario following the war - and they are looking for signatures from around the world.

Please consider signing the petition - Louise has the details, and the link, at It takes a few seconds of your time, and Canada's genie community will love you forever.

(With thanks to Louise and Bill)


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. My Scottish land and church records ebooks are available at, whilst my next Pharos Scottish course, Scottish Research Online, starts Sep 4th - see Time to smash a few brick walls...!