
Sunday, 16 June 2013

German bomb attacks in the Irish Free State in WW2

The National Archives of Ireland ( has placed online Irish Foreign Policy documents from 1939-1941, the period known in the UK as the Second World War, but referred to in the neutral Irish Free State (as it was back then) as 'the Emergency'.

I've had a look, and there is some interesting material there, including various protests about German bombings in Ireland. I always knew that Dublin had been bombed, some believe because of the south's decision to send fire engines north over the border to assist during the Easter blitz bombings in Northern Ireland, in Belfast in particular, perceived as a violation of southern neutrality. But Dublin was not the only place to be bombed by the Germans, with attacks also in Kildare, Carlow, Louth and more.

Fascinating stuff, which can be read at


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. My Scottish land and church records ebooks are available at, whilst my next Pharos Scottish course, Scottish Research Online, starts Sep 4th - see Time to smash a few brick walls...!

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