
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Internet Explorer 7 users

A quick note to say that I've just been contacted by someone to say that users of Internet Explorer 7 appear to be having problems reading this blog via the browser. A quick internet search reveals that Google has actually stopped providing support for Internet Explorer 7 and 8, so I suspect this is the reason (the newest version of IE is version 10).

If you are having problems with IE7, I can only suggest that you either upgrade to a more recent version of Internet Explorer, or to download a separate browser. A quick look at the stats on my site shows that most readers of this blog in fact use Mozilla Firefox (36%), with Internet Explorer at 31%, Google's Chrome browser at 16% and Safari at 7%. Personally I use Chrome on my PC, and Safari on my iPad. (You can download more than one browser onto your PC if you wish to try them out first).

If any IE7 users out there are aware of a fix, I'd be more than happy to run an update to this post though!

(With thanks to Peter Munro)


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. My Scottish land and church records ebooks are available at, whilst my next Pharos Scottish course, Scottish Research Online, starts Sep 4th - see Time to smash a few brick walls...!


  1. In Windows7, IE9 doesn't run the blog either. It takes about 5 mins to load the whole page in properly so that the scroll bar works but it's not possible to click on links either to other sites or the internal ones like "older post" etc. I thought maybe it was getting to be rather graphics heavy as your other blog runs fine with that combo.

    I upgraded to IE10 and everything's fine now. IE9 and 10 are not available to folks on Windows XP though.

  2. That's interesting. I have IE8 on my Windows XP based PC, and it works fine on that - I stopped using IE8 for most things a long time back though, as it is horrendously slow for most websites. The only exception is my personal family history website, which is Tripod based, which seems to cause some irritating issues with Chrome, so I keep IE8 as an option to update that.

    Another option is to sign up to the blog's daily email feed - text and pics tend to be fine on that, though on my own email programme video clips tend not to be displayed if featured in a post.
