
Friday, 30 August 2013

Fundraising for non-profit projects or ventures

I've posted a piece on my other wee blog about a new company that my wife has been working for since January in the Largs area, which may be of interest to some of you out there, if you are involved with a non-profit organisation or project seeking grant funding.

The company Claire works for, Get 2 Grips with Grants, specialises in securing funding for various not for profit initiatives, and started off here in Largs, but has already covered much of North Ayrshire, and now spreading its wings further. They've been doing wonders for all sorts here in the local area, including funding for a new community centre with one of the churches and also a fairly significant amount raised for a local nursery that our youngest son used to attend a few years back to obtain a range of teaching materials (including iPads and all sorts). With 2014 being a heck of a year ahead on all sorts of fronts, it may be that they can help if you are actively seeking to raise funds for such non-profit initiatives, whether for a genealogical, historical, or some other purpose.

The blog post is at It could be worth checking them out!


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. My Scottish land and church records ebooks are available at, whilst my next Pharos Scottish course, Scottish Research Online, starts Sep 4th - see Time to smash a few brick walls...!

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