
Sunday 15 September 2013

New Burke's Peerage service

Burke's Peerage is now back online at in a new format. There are free to view versions of Burke's Family Index, Burke's General Armory and Burke's Colonial gentry.

The old site at, run by since 2008 until this month does not carry a redirect to the new address.

(With thanks to Martin James via LinkedIn)


My wife Claire is planning to swim from the Scottish island of Cumbrae to the town of Largs on September 14th to raise money for local charity Gillian's Saltire Appeal, providing respite for families affected by cancer (Claire's mum and sister in Ireland have previously come through cancer, whilst my mum, based in England, currently has bladder cancer). Her Just Giving sponsorship page, with further details, is at If you can help to sponsor her, even by a wee amount, we'd be very grateful - many thanks!

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