
Monday, 7 October 2013

Who Do You Think You Are Live talks 2014

I'm delighted to announce that I will be returning to speak at the Who Do You Think You Are Live event in from February 20th-22nd 2014, as part of the Society of Genealogists' programme of talks, with the following topics:

Discover Scottish Civil Registration Records
Thursday Feb 20 2014
WDYTYA?Theatre/SoG 1

Scottish civil registration commenced in 1855 following the creation of the General Record Office for Scotland, some seventeen and half years after England and Wales. But since its creation Scottish statutory records have been compiled under the authority of Scots Law, with many major differences between how things were done north of the border compared to the south – not least within the area of marriage. In this talk genealogist Chris Paton examines the history of Scottish civil registration, and the differences between Scots records and those of the rest of the United Kingdom.

British Civilian Prisoners of War in First World War Germany
Friday Feb 21 2014
SoG 4 / First World War Ancestors

In 2014 Britain commemorates the one hundredth anniversary of the First World War, and the sacrifices of those who served and ultimately gave their lives in the war to end all wars. But the war did not just have military victims, with 2014 also the centenary anniversary of the internment of over 5500 British and British Empire civilians at the Ruhleben Prisoner of War camp near Berlin. As bloody hell erupted around them, their only crime was to be in the wrong place in Europe at the wrong time when war was declared against Germany. Chris Paton tells their story.

Look forward to hopefully seeing a few of you there!


My latest book, Discover Scottish Civil Registration Records, is now available from (print) and (ebook), whilst Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet is available at My next Pharos Scottish course, Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs, starts Nov 13th - see

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