
Wednesday, 12 March 2014

More Northern Irish wills calendar entries now online!

UPDATE: PRONI ( has extended its wills calendar database to include entries up to 1965, with the data available online now at This is a great addition to the database, extending it beyond 1943 and filling in the gaps. I've already found a will entry for my great grandfather's brother Gerald Graham, and have a few other entries I'm looking forward to corroborating next month when the GRONI launches its new online records service! (And don't forget Belfast burials data from the city council at - it's helped me with a couple of other searches this afternoon on the back of additional wills calendar finds)

The following is an earlier announcement from today concerning a formal launch for the collection in Belfast tomorrow (Thurs 13th), with full details on what has been added.

Public Launch Event: Extension of the Wills Calendar Application
13th March 2014, 12:30pm

PRONI is pleased to announce details of a public event to formally launch the extension of our Wills Calendar Application. 170,000 additional Will index entries covering the period 1918 – 1921, 1944 – 1965 will be added to this unique resource. These wills were proved in the Armagh, Belfast and
Londonderry District Registries.

This comprehensive index will enable researchers to search over 400,000 Will index entries for the years 1858 – 1965, making this an invaluable genealogical resource.

To mark the event, PRONI will host a lunchtime lecture on the subject of Wills and Probates. The first presentation will be given by Wesley Geddis of PRONI who will talk about the range of testamentary papers held by PRONI and provide details of the information they contain. Wesley will also provide a demonstration of the Wills Application to those in attendance.

Nigel Bloomer of the Belfast Probate Office will talk about the work of the Probate Office and will explain more about current probate processes.

WHEN: 13th March 2014, 12:30pm to 1:30pm
ADMISSION: Admission is FREE but booking is essential. Please contact PRONI to secure your place at Tel: 028 90 534800
The Heritage Cafe at PRONI will be open from 10am to 5pm

PRONI is close to the Titanic Quarter Railway Station. We can also be reached via Metro service 26 from Wellington Place, Belfast City Centre. This event is part of NI Creativity Month.

(With thanks to Gavin McMahon)


Time to find your inner Irish...! All the best online Irish genealogy resources can be found through my book Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet - in print and ebook formats. "Very useful, makes me wish I was Irish!" - Saint Patrick, patron saint.

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