
Thursday, 3 April 2014

Routes to Your North East Roots fair at Haddo House

This is a quick announcement to mention that I'll be speaking at the Routes to Your North East Routes event in Aberdeenshire from August 8th-10th, to be held at the National Trust's Haddo House (

The event will be a two day family history and heritage fair, on Saturday 9th and
Sunday 10th, with a prior evening based opening event taking place on Friday 8th, featuring speakers Jim Naughtie and Professor Marjory Harper. Tickets for this evening event will be £10. Attendance at the subsequent fair will cost £3:00 per day for adults, with children under 16 getting in for free.

For the main event itself, I'll be giving talks on the history of the Scottish church, and how to finds its records, as well as a look at the history of Scottish marriage and the records generated (or not as the case may be!). A programme featuring additional speakers will be announced in the very near future, but will include genealogist Bruce Durie and Robin Urquhart from the National Records of Scotland. These talks will be free to those attending the fair, and will take place within the building's impressive library.

In addition to the main website, a dedicated Facebook page has also been set up at, with all the latest news and developments.

It will be a great bash - there will be a huge range of exhibitors, and more genealogical expertise and enthusiasm than you can wave a wavy hat at. Hopefully I'll see you there!


Time to find your inner Irish...! All the best online Irish genealogy resources can be found through my book Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet - in print and ebook formats. "Very useful, makes me wish I was Irish!" - Saint Patrick, patron saint.

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