
Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Scotland 1750-1850 - Beyond the Old Parish Registers course

The next Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the Old Parish Registers course from Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd ( starts in a couple of weeks time on Wednesday May 14th 2014, and will run for five weeks. The course costs £45.99 and covers the following slightly more advanced topics than the previous Scottish Research Online course:
  • Kirk Sessions records and parish poor
  • Burgh records and town poor
  • Occupations, taxation and early lists
  • Land transfer and the value of sasines
  • Land, inheritance and estates

There's a more full description at where you can also sign up. To give a flavour of what to expect, here's the video I recorded before the last course was run in November last year (so ignore the dates!):

(Also available at

It's usually a lot of fun, and definitely informative if you're looking to progress your knowledge of he Scottish records a bit further -  hopefully I'll see a few of you there!


Now available for UK research is the new second edition of the best selling Tracing Your Family History on the Internet: A Guide for Family Historians. And for those wishing to take Scottish ancestral research a bit further, my next Pharos course, Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the Old Parish Records, commences May 14th 2014.

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