
Friday, 14 November 2014

Guide to Irish titles added to British Newspaper Archive

The British Newspaper Archive ( has been adding some Irish titles to its site over the last few months, with some seventeen titles now represented. It has put a page up summarising its new Irish content at

Whilst it is good to see them finally getting around to Ireland, the coverage of the titles on offer is actually very patchy, with most titles seemingly having the odd few years of coverage available from here and there, so it may be some time before they become a genuinely useful addition to the site. More coverage is promised, but don't forget that the Irish Newspaper Archive also exists at with some very substantial holdings.

For details on how to access both British and Irish newspapers online and offline in archives across the two islands and beyond, don't forget that you can purchase my recent Unlock the Past book, British and Irish Newspapers. Full details on how to obtain this from the UK, Australia, and very soon, Canada, please see my Books section at


Stuck for a Christmas gift?! I have a series of genealogy books available in the UK, Australia and Canada, on Scottish, Irish and British based subject areas. Further details at Santa approves!

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