
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

British GENES first podcast - feedback and news on iTunes access

A huge thanks to all of those who have contacted me to say that they enjoyed my first British GENES podcast, and for the constructive comments suggested by a few of you - in particular it looks like the consensus so far is that you're happy with me just talking, and to avoid any gimmicky theme tunes or anything else like that! A question I have had from a few folk is - will it be available via iTunes? The short answer is hopefully, yes. I've spent much of this afternoon learning how to upload podcasts to iTunes from Soundcloud, and have now submitted the first edition, so once I get the confirmation that we are good to go, I'll let you know that it is available there (unless there is a reason that prevents it from appearing!).

In the meantime, if you have still to tune in, the podcast is available at or via the link to the right hand side of this page. I'll also put links to each edition at Soundcloud in the Podcast tab now available at the top of this page.


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