
Thursday, 19 March 2015

Objectors and Resistors Then and Now talk

From the CommonWeal:

To mark the launch of the first comprehensive history of the Scottish anti-WWI movement (Rob Duncan’s Objectors and Resisters, published by Common Print), Common Weal are holding a talk and book launch on what the anti-war movement meant to Scotland then - and what the global anti-war movement means now.

The talk takes place almost 100 years after the Womens’ Conference in the Hague, and will look particularly at the role of women in campaigning against WWI.

Rob Duncan: author of Objectors and Resisters on his research
Lesley Orr: feminist historian, on the women’s movement
Neil Davidson: lecturer at Glasgow University, on the historical context of the anti-war movement
Isobel Lindsay: Vice Chair of Scottish CND on protest then and now

The evening will start with comments from our four speakers, and will end with a Q&A from the floor.

For more detail visit

(With thanks to the CommonWeal)


For details on my latest book Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, and my other genealogy guide books please visit To commission me for genealogical research, please visit my research site at

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