
Saturday, 14 March 2015

Popping off to the Continent for a bit...!

Later today I'll be making my way to Portugal for the second Genealogy in the Sunshine conference (, hosted by Peter Calver and Lost Cousins ( at the Rocha Brava resort near Caroveiro (or 'Carraveryeryo' as my boys kept pronouncing it last year!). I should hopefully have good wi-fi access there, as last year, and so hope to keep up with blogging whilst there. If the gremlins do for some reason get me, keep an eye out Monday and Tuesday for Irish genealogy developments, something good usually happens for Paddy's Day! :)


For details on my latest book Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, and my other genealogy guide books please visit To commission me for genealogical research, please visit my research site at

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