
Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Two million British GENES post hits and more

Just another blogging milestone to mark. When my Scottish GENES blog (established in 2007) regenerated into its new incarnation of British GENES in September 2011, the hit counter for blog posts read was reset to zero. I've just noticed that about three days ago the counter has now passed two million blog post hits. It's a somewhat arbitrary number, partly because I ran both Scottish GENES and British GENES in parallel as separate blogs for a bit, and also because it does not take into account those who read the posts via a daily email digest, or those who landed on a post accidentally!

Nevertheless, if the mainstream vendors can boast about how many gazillion items they have, I might as well join the party - so here's to the next two million hits! :)

For details on my latest book Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, and my other genealogy guide books please visit To commission me for genealogical research, please visit my research site at


  1. Congrats Chris ... and as you say "here's to the next 2 million"!!

  2. Worthy of celebrating, Chris.. that is one great number of readers.. whichever way you look at it.
