
Monday, 27 July 2015

Camden's Libraries and Archives consultation

A new online consultation concerning the future of Camden Libraries and Archives is available at

It's a twelve week consultation on the facilities being offered, with a background to the consultation available at

From the background doc:

By 2017 our funding from central government will have been cut in half. We have some tough decisions to make about the way we deliver council services. It is important that we look at the Library and Registration Service as part of those savings and consider how we run our libraries in the future.

We are consulting on how we might save £800,000 from the service’s current budget of £4.5m. Although we have less money we will aim to invest £3.7 million to create a modern library service that supports both existing and future customers and best meets the needs of Camden residents.

A lot of decisions have to be made, so if in the area, please do take a few moments to make your views known.

(With thanks to Emma Jolly via Facebook)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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