
Monday, 31 August 2015

No more Dublin Gazettes to go online from the Oireachtas

A couple of weeks ago I discovered that the Oireachtas in Ireland had made available online digitised editions of the Dublin Gazette (see Although the files carrying the newspaper are incredibly large (about 1GB each), I had identified that the coverage was from 1750-1800, thanks to the Wikipedia article on the newspaper available at Curious to know if this is the sum total of all editions due to go online, I contacted the library at the Oireachtas, and have just received the following response:

Dear Chris

Many thanks for your query and for your comments on the digitised collections. It is good to know they are proving to be a useful resource.

From having reviewed the digitisation project files as far as I am aware all of our issues of the Dublin Gazette were digitised.

To my knowledge there are currently no plans to digitise Iris Oifiguil. If anything changes in this respect I will let you know.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

Jennifer McGrath,
Assistant Librarian,
Library & Research Service,
Houses of the Oireachtas Service

To search for all the online editions from 1750-1809, visit the Oireachtas Library catalogue at, where you will find many, many other valuable publications that have been digitised also.

UPDATE: *Sigh*  I initially reported that the Oireachtas catalogue showed coverage extending to 1809, rather than 1800, as had initially been shown on Wikipedia. In fact, it turns out upon download that the collection does indeed stop at the end of 1800 - the catalogue entry is wrong in stating 1809. So fifty years it remains then... (I have amended this post and the header to reflect this)

(With thanks to Jennifer McGrath)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit


  1. Chris

    Where are the later runs of the Dublin Gazette? Do they run up to partition?



  2. In answer to my own question, at least with regards to the British Library, here is what they have:

    Title: The Dublin Gazette.
    Publication Details: Dublin, Stationery Office, 1706-1922.
    Language: English
    Identifier: System number 001814812
    Related Titles: Later Title:Ireland. Iris oifigiúil
    Physical Description: v. ; 30-31 cm.
    Holdings Notes: General Reference Collection OGE.30 No. 129 (13 July 1706)-no. 2623 (10 Mar. 1725); no. 1 (June 1727)-no. 402 (27 Apr. 1731); no. 1 (28 Sept. 1742)-no. 21 (27 Jan. 1922); Very imperfect before 1714. Wanting the years 1732-1741, 1745-1755, 1761, 1768-1774, 1776-1781, 1787-1792, 1812-1843, 1853-54.
    Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection OGE.30
    UIN: BLL01001814812


  3. Yes, but it would be good to see them appear on the BNA!

    Iris Oifigiuil (the replacement in the south after Partition) is online from 2002 - see

