
Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Update on Historic Scotland/RCAHMS merger

From Historic Environment Scotland, the new organisation being created by the merger of Historic Scotland and RCAHMS:

Historic Environment Scotland Board Progress

Since its establishment in February, the HES Board, led by Jane Ryder OBE, is making good progress with the creation of the new organisation. The Board has been focussing on what is essential for 1st October when HES takes full powers, including all staff being transferred to the single body, agreeing the governance framework with the Scottish Government, the introduction of new regulations for heritage management, and the signing-off of the scheme of delegation which will establish how HES will manage the Properties in Care on behalf of Scottish Ministers.

Strategic priorities for the new organisation include establishing a new organisational identity and the development of the new corporate plan 2016-19 which will be open to public consultation later in the year.

Some of you may be aware of the recent recruitment campaign for the role of Chief Executive. Whilst we are disappointed not to be able to make a permanent appointment at this stage, this will not have any adverse impact on our plans for the new organisation. We are now looking to appoint an interim CEO who will work with the Board through this transition period and beyond, whilst also looking to secure a long term appointment, to be part of this exciting new chapter for the heritage sector.

Further details on progress will be accessible at

(With thanks to the Historic Scotland and RCAHMS joint newsletter)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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