
Monday, 12 October 2015

Calls for Scottish adoption law to be changed

A 74 year old Hereford gentleman called Christopher Kelly is trying to get the Scottish Government to consider changing the law on adoption in Scotland, which at present sees adoption records sealed for a century. Until 20 years ago Mr Kelly was unaware that he had a twin sister who was adopted when he was a child, but due to the current law on adoption in Scotland he cannot see the original adoption records concerning the event, he can only wait to be contacted by her if she wishes to - assuming she even knows that he exists in the first place.

The Scottish Government's children's minister, Aileen McLeod has commented "While there are no current plans to change the legislation, we have already committed to review what services are available to the birth relatives of adopted people. We are currently working with Birthlink and CELCIS to address which services could be improved and better promoted to ensure those affected receive the best possible support. Mr Kelly’s plight provides a poignant example of why we should consider what can be done to support relatives. The FM has received Mr Kelly’s letter and will reply shortly."

The full story is at


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at

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