
Sunday, 20 December 2015

New website for my genealogy research service

I have been wanting to get to grips with the WordPress platform for some time, and having recently upgraded to a new computer, and having seen how awful my old research service website looks on it, I have decided to bite the bullet and go for it!

Details for my research service Scotland's Greatest Story can now be found at - the same address as before, but it will now redirect to the new WordPress platform.

In addition to providing details of the service, the new site also has two new features. I have taken the opportunity to upload a few resources that I previously used to sell on CD, as well as a copy of a dissertation that I produced a few years ago. The most useful of these records will undoubtedly be transcripts of many records from the Weavers Incorporation of Perth, which I have been working on - on and off! - for the last few years. In addition to the records previously available on the CD are some additional sets which I had hoped to include on a second volume, which never quite happened. The resources currently there concern Perthshire, but I will likely add more in due course.

Secondly, there is a blog on the site, to which I will be adding many Scottish research themed posts in due course. To get it under way I have added a few previously written posts from my personal blog, and I will add more in due course, from time to time, as and when the mood takes me! This will be quite separate from my continued British GENES posts, and will focus specifically on Scottish and Northern Irish based topics.

I hope you like it, and please do bookmark the site for your future ancestral research queries!


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at

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