
Wednesday, 20 January 2016

FindmyPast to increase subscriptions for new subscribers

FindmyPast ( has announced that it is freezing subscription rates for current subscribers to the service when they next renew. However, new subscribers will be paying an increased subscription rate of 20% on top of the current prices from Feb 16th.

Here's the announcement I've received for current subscribers to the American site, to which I am subscribed:

...we're freezing the price of your next renewal subscription price. As a valued subscriber, when your current 12 Month World subscription renews you will pay just $179.55 - that's the regular annual price of $199.50, plus a 10% loyalty discount. This is a saving of over $59 a year against our new subscription price of $239.50. It's our little way of saying thank you for your continued support.

It should be interesting when I renew again, as I have actually been on a Pioneer subscription since the US site started up, which costs about a third of that!

Here's more on the price increase for new subscribers, which I have just received in an email from the company:

...there is more good news for our subscribers. We are freezing the price of their next renewal on our 12 month subscription packages as we increase the price of new subscriptions by 20% on February 16th. In the past year alone, almost half a billion records have been added to the site and we plan to add the same number again this year to ensure value for our subscribers. We have also opened a further 2.5 million closed 1939 Register records and continue to open thousands more every week.

(With thanks to Alex Cox)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including my recently released Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at

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