
Friday, 26 February 2016

Farewell Friends Reunited

The Friends Reunited website ( has said its final farewells as of February 26th 2016. The site, which allowed folk to reconnect with school friends, and which later paved the way for a sister site, Genes Reunited (still going strong at, now carries the following announcement:

Friends Reunited - the sunset of an era

In the summer of 2000 we launched Friends Reunited as a method for people to find their old friends from their school days.

It is with a heavy heart, that we have decided to close the service down. This happened on the 26th of February 2016.

We do recognise that people have a lot of old photos within their profiles on the site. We will therefore provide a link to allow you to login and download your photos. You will be receiving an email in the coming months with further information on this.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to my Friends Reunited account?

You will no longer be able to log into your FriendsReunited account. The FriendsReunited servers have been shut down.

How can I recover all the photos I uploaded on Friends Reunited?

We will provide a page to allow you to login and download your photos – you will be receiving an email regarding this over the coming months.

I have another question.

If you have any problems or questions regarding the Friends Reunited website please contact the support team using the email address

Farewell Friends Reunited....


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at

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