
Friday, 12 February 2016

Software Mackiev discusses Family Tree Maker plans

A huge thanks to Alona Tester from Gould Genealogy ( for flagging up a useful interview road-mapping the future direction of the Family Tree Maker software, which Ancestry has sold to Software MacKiev (, having decided to no longer support it itself.

At the recent American based Rootstech family history show, genealogy tech blogger Tamura Jones interviewed Jack Minsky, the president of Software MacKiev, to discuss his plans for the product. There are some useful insights in the discussion, one of which is that the syncing technology to Ancestry's trees will be getting a revamp in the near future, so I'm guessing that those with current editions of FTM 2014 may potentially have issues in the future. It is quite a detailed discussion (some of it a wee bit techy in parts), but nevertheless provides the clearest indications of what the company plans to do with the product, and when.

To read the interview visit

(Original source:


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