
Thursday, 21 April 2016

Hello from Qualicum Beach!

A wee message from Qualicum Beach Family History Society (

(YouTube at

A huge thanks to Qualicum Beach Family History Society last night for its hospitality, where I gave a talk on researching an unsolved Scottish murder in my tree. Lots of enthusiastic questions (no, I don't know who did it!), and some great conversations. Special kudos to Sharon from Nanaimo Family History Society, who gave me two Nanaimo bars last night (I am easily bought!), and a huge thanks to the team at QBFHS, including Donna, Lorraine, Lola, Barbara, Don, and many others.

The big event on Vancouver Island kicks off in Parksville over the next two days, where I'll be giving six more talks, before relocating to mainland BC to continue with further talks next week. Fantastic weather still, though I am totally gutted that I missed the thunder and lightning last night!

A few pics from last night's event:

And just because I have nowhere else to place it, a ransom picture of a giant killer crab that I managed to escape from a couple of days ago. No-one mentioned the Godzilla crabs before my arrival...!


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit My Pinterest account is at

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