
Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The Kirk considers digital baptism

So, err... this one's different. The Kirk, aka the Church of Scotland (, is reported this morning to be considering the provision of online baptism, to  address the problem of declining congregations. The following is in today's Herald newspaper:

"THE Kirk is set to introduce online baptism for the first time as the clergy seeks new ways to address the needs of worshippers in a digital age. A landmark report backing the plans will be presented to 730 delegates, known as commissioners, at the Church of Scotland's annual gathering on The Mound in Edinburgh next week. The document will also include proposals to allow "access to the sacraments while not being physically present in the congregation". 

The full story is at

COMMENT: As a genealogist who was actually baptised on board a nuclear submarine in Scotland in 1971, I honestly couldn't care less where people are baptised, if their parents so choose to have the rite performed - as long as there are records kept!


My next Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs course starts Monday 17th May - see For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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