
Friday, 17 June 2016

Further additions to The Original Record

Latest additions to The Original Record website (

Foreigners in London: St Martin le Grand
'The howseholders being strangers within the libertie of St Martin's le Grand, London.' State Papers Domestic James I cxxxi 104.

Masters of Ships at Belize
Shipping Information published in the Honduras Gazette and Commercial Advertiser, listing movements of vessels in Belize harbour: also including occasional news from Port Omoa and Truxillo, and ships travelling to and from Honduras arriving in and departing from Britain, and spoken to at sea. 1 July to 30 December 1826.

Members of the London & County Joint Stock Banking Company
Inland Revenue copy of the return under 7 & 8 Vic. cap. 32 listing persons of whom the company or partnership consists: giving name, residence and occupation. 23 February 1853

Joseph Foster's Hand-List of Men-at-the-Bar gives a paragraph biography of men who had been called to the bar and were alive in 1885. After the full name (surname first, in capitals) there is a short statement of occupation or practice; a student at which inn of court; when called to the bar; father's name and then address; when born; if married, and, if so, wife's name (and her father's name) is often given. At the foot, in small type, is present residence, as of 1885.

Members of Durham University
The alphabetical list of all living members of Durham University, issued in 1910, was compiled from the Admission Book and University Register. It gives surname, initials, degree, college, and date. Those marked with an asterisk were Members of Convocation. In the case of graduates in Arts, Theology (except in the case of Bachelors of Divinity) and Civil Law, the dates refer to the year in which the examination for the degree of B.A. was passed; in the case of Bachelors of Divinity who were not Graduates in Arts, of Licentiates in Theology, of Civil Engineers, and of Licentiates in Medicine, to the year in which each passed the Final Examination. In the case of Hygiene, Science, and Music, to the year in which the Examination for B.Hy., B.Sc., or B.Mus. was passed; and in the case of Graduates in Medicine to the year in which the Examination for the degree of M.B. was passed, except in the case of practitioners, when the date refers to the year in which the examination for the degree specified was passed. In cases where no date is given the degree is Ad Eundem, unless it is marked honorary. The abbreviations are: Arms., Armstrong College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Codr., Codrington College, Barbados; Cos., Bishop Cosin's Hall; F. Bay, Fourah Bay, Sierra Leone; Hatf., Bishop Hatfield's Hall; Med., College of Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; St. Chad's, St Chad's Hall; St. John's, St John's Hall; Univ., University College.

Estates of the Deceased
Notices re claims on estates of the deceased, mostly pursuant to 22 & 23 Vic. c.35, An Act to Further Amend the Law of Property and to Relieve Trustees, also known as the Law of Property Amendment Act. These notices usually give the full name and final address of the deceased, date of death, where the will was proved or administration granted, and the full names of the executors or administrators. Also included in this index are some other similar notices relating to claims on such estates. October 1912.

Members Joining the Cyclists' Touring Club
Each month in the Cyclists' Touring Club Gazette was printed a list of candidates for membership, area by area, giving surname, initial(s), and full postal address. (F.) indicates that the candidate was joining the club under the Family Membership Scheme; (J.) joining under the Juvenile Membership Scheme. In addition, candidates for Affiliated Membership are listed under individual cycling clubs.

(With thanks to The Original Record)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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