
Friday, 15 July 2016

Updates to the Original Record website

The following collections have been added to The Original Record website (

Kanturk to Fair Lane Turnpike Trustees
The act for making a turnpike road from the town of Kanturk in the county of Cork to Fair Lane in the north liberties of the city of Cork (5 George III cap. xiii) appointed a large number of local gentlemen to serve as initial trustees.

Warwickshire Voters
The poll of the freeholders of Warwickshire was taken at Warwick from the 20th to the 31st of October 1774, the candidates being Sir Charles Holte baronet, Thomas George Skipwith esquire, and John Mordaunt esquire. The poll book is arranged by hundred, then by parish or township in which the qualifying freehold lay: the voters' full names are given, surname first, and their places of abode, not necessarily in the same district. Barlichway Hundred.

Scarborough Lodging House Keepers
'A full and accurate list of Houses, appropriated to the accommodation of company', from A New Scarborough Guide, of 1797.

Chimney Sweeps and their Apprentice Boys, London
An account of the number of boys apprenticed to chimney sweepers under the provisions of 28 Geo. III c. 40, at the several police offices within the London bills of mortality, during the previous nine years: giving the numbers of boys apprenticed each year, the year, the parish from whence taken, the name and residence of the master, the name and age of each boy (mostly 8 to 12 years old), and the evidence of such age.

Births, Marriages and Deaths
Reported in the Pall Mall Gazette, May 1869

Fellows of the British Gynaecological Society
The alphabetical list of fellows of the British Gynaecological Society gives year of election, full name (surname first), qualifications, and address. The abbreviations used are: C., member of council; F. F., foundation fellow (i.e., since 1884); Hon. Loc. Sec., honorary local secretary; Hon. Sec., honorary secretary; H.P., honorary president; L., life fellow; Libr., librarian; Pres., president; Treas., treasurer; V.P., vice-president.

Residents of East Africa
The East African Standard compiled this directory of residents of Kenya Colony (K.C.) and Protectorate, Uganda Protectorate (U.P. or Ug.), Tanganyika Territory (T.T.) and Zanzibar Sultanate (Z. or Zbr.)

(With thanks to The Original Record)


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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