
Friday, 14 October 2016

Scottish and Canadian additions to FindmyPast

Latest additions to FindmyPast (

Scotland Monumental Inscriptions Index
OVER 227 THOUSAND RECORDS An index of covering 209 burial grounds across 14 Scottish counties including the Isle of Skye. Discover your ancestor's burial place and age at death.

Scotland Deeds Index 1769
OVER 1,000 RECORDS Trace your Scottish ancestors through deeds registered at the Court of Session. The records will show the type of deed, the date it was recorded and the two parties named in the original court document.

Scotland, Paternity Decrees 1750-1922
OVER 25,000 RECORDS Was your ancestor involved in a paternity dispute that appeared before Scotland's Sheriff Court? Explore these decrees to discover illegitimate ancestors and break down brick walls.

Scotland Pre-1841 Censuses and Population Lists
OVER 3,500 RECORDS Learn about your Scottish family in the years prior to the 1841 census. Search early census fragments and parish lists from Jedburgh, Greenlaw, Ladykirk, Melrose, Applegarth, and Sibbaldbie.

Ontario Birth Index 1860-1920
OVER 1.7 MILLION RECORDS Find out when your Ontario ancestors were born, where they were born and the names of their parents. These records provide a valuable link to the previous generation and images may include the parents' occupations, marriage place and home address.

New Brunswick Birth and Baptism Index 1769-1899
OVER 25,500 RECORDS Explore this index of civil registration records to find out where and when your ancestor was born and uncover the information you need to obtain an official birth certificate.


For details on my genealogy guide books, including A Beginner's Guide to British and Irish Genealogy, A Decade of Irish Centenaries: Researching Ireland 1912-1923Discover Scottish Church Records (2nd edition), Discover Irish Land Records and Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis, please visit

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