
Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Peter Bailey stands down from FIBIS Chair

With thanks to FIBIS ( for the following announcement:

In August, Peter Bailey, the long-standing Chairman of the Families in British India Society, announced his intention of standing down. This, along with the appointment of Pat Scully as our new Chairman, were minuted at the September Trustee meeting, as was the proposal that a new position, that of Life President should be created for Peter. Both decisions were ratified at our AGM on Saturday, October 29th.

Peter will still be playing a large part in FIBIS, continuing to transcribe records, give talks and no doubt much more, but, we hope, will have more free time to enjoy with his family.

The members who attended the AGM gave him a good send-off with gifts, a card signed by all present, a slideshow of notable FIBIS moments and a farewell video made by our Australian team, Mary-Anne Gourley and Sylvia Murphy.

COMMENT: Congratulations to Peter Bailey on his achievements as Chair of one of the most professional and lively family history societies on this planet - and to him for his new appointment as Life President!

UPDATE: Peter has expressed his own thank you at

(With thanks to Valmay Young via


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