
Thursday, 27 December 2018

Irish Lives Remembered issue 42/43

From Irish Lives Remembered (

The Autumn/Winter Issue of Irish Lives Remembered is available to view now. This very special double edition focuses primarily, on World War I - to mark the Centenary of the Armistice last month.

Included articles:

Finding Records for Irish Soldiers and those involved in World War I by Brian Donovan;
The Fighting Irish - Military Records for Irish Genealogical Research by Michael Reynolds and Lorna Moloney;
The Irish Solider in 1918 by Lar Joye;
Revealing the Life Experiences of one of Cork City's World War I 'American War Brides' by Damian Shiels;
Died Not for Flag, Nor King, Nor Emperor - Why Irishman Thomas Duggan Fought in World War I by Fiona O'Mahony;
Armistice Day by Fiona Fitzsimons;
Ireland's World War I Dead: The Legacy - by Brian Donovan.

Away from the Great War there are articles on

The Irish Diaspora in the Far East before World War II - Discussion and a Request for Help by Patricia O'Sullivan;
If DNA be the Food of Love, Play On! by Maurice Gleeson;
Nelly Bly - Pioneering Journalist and Adventurer by Nathan Mannion;
Why the Blood on the Feast of St. Martin? by Eamonn 'Ned' Kelly;
Glory, Glamourand Gore - the Gruesome Tale of Vere St Leger Goold by Nathan Mannion;
The 1674 Suicide of Alderman Mark Quin, former Lord Mayor of Dublin. Why?
Black '47 Review + interview with the director by Brigit McCone
Excerpts from Gerard O'Rourke's Ancient Sweet Donoughmore: Life in an Irish Rural Parish
Discussion of the Irish Gothic book Sleeping with Lights On
Excerpt from Stacking the Coffins: Influenza, War and Revolution in Ireland 1918-19 by Ida Milne

There are also regular columns such as:

Ask Genie (Fiona Fitzsimons looks at three different reader's problems)
Photodetective (Jayne Shrimpton appraises two different Images)
Patrick's Page (Patrick Roycroft deals with a client at the Irish Family History Centre)

To aaccess the free magazine visit


For my genealogy guide books, visit, whilst details of my research service are at Further content is also published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page at

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