
Tuesday, 21 May 2019

ScotlandsPeople adds Valuation Roll for 1940

ScotlandsPeople ( has added the 1940 Valuation Roll for Scotland to its site. Here's the blurb:

National Records of Scotland have published valuation rolls from 1940 on our online research service, ScotlandsPeople, adding more than 60,000 new digital images.

You can now search over 2.8 million new indexed names and addresses for owners, tenants and occupiers of properties throughout Scotland.

Valuation rolls were created to help with collection of taxes, recording details of buildings, properties and their value, and the names of their owners and tenants.

They are a valuable tool for local history research and can be used to add foliage to your family tree by searching for people and properties between census years.

(Original story at


My next Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs course starts May 13th 2019 - see Details of my genealogical research service are available at For my Scottish and Irish themed books, visit Further news published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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