
Thursday, 3 October 2019

My forthcoming Scottish talk in Manchester

I'm looking forward to a day trip to England in a couple of weeks time, to give a talk to the Anglo-Scots Branch Meeting of Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society ( on 19th October.  Here are the details!

Down and Out in Scotland: Researching Ancestral Crisis
Chris Paton
Venue: Central Library, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, M2 5PD, 2pm-4pm

It is often the case in family history research that our ancestors' lives were best documented when the chips were truly down. We may have had ancestors in poverty or debt, with mental issues or illnesses, who were assaulted, murdered, raped, who committed suicide, engaged in insurgency, or who were punished by the state or the Kirk. No matter the crisis, a quill and ink were always in close proximity.

In this talk Chris Paton explores some of the areas of ancestral hardship, to allow us to truly understand the situations that our forebears had to endure and overcome.

This meeting will be held at Central Library in Meeting room 1.

Booking essential, use the Eventbrite icon on the Society homepage.


I'll hopefully see you there!


Order Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at My next Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs course starts 4 November 2019 - see Further news published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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