
Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Moving house shortly

After seventeen years based in the Ayrshire town of Largs, I will be leaving and moving half an hour down the road to the wonderful town of Irvine on November 14th, still within North Ayrshire (just!).

From a work point of view, this means I will be much closer to the Burns Monument Centre in Kilmarnock (which hosts the ScotlandsPeople computer system), and the various branches of Ayrshire Archives in Irvine, Auchincruive and Kilmarnock, as well as other major libraries in Kilmarnock and Ayr.

I will update all my contact details on this blog and my research site in due course, but as I am sure you can appreciate, I have a hell of a lot of packing to do, so posting may be a little infrequent over the next week or so!

Below are a few pictures from Largs - it's well worth a visit, and we'll be back regularly (my son will still be attending school here!).

Onwards and upwards!



Order Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at My next Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs course starts 4 November 2019 - see Further news published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.


  1. At least you'll be nearer to Ardrossan Cemetery where John Murdoch [1818-1903, my great-grand-uncle] has a splendid memorial describing him as a 'Highland patriot and pioneer of land reform in Scotland. A man of noble ideas, pure and unselfish public spirit, who devoted his life to the uplifting of his downtrodden countrymen'.

  2. Actually, Ardrossan is probbaly about half way between where I am now, and where I am moving to! (I worked for my local MP in Ardrosan over the summer for a couple of months as a caseworker, I know it well!)
