
Sunday, 20 May 2012

Genealogists for Families milestone

The Genealogists for Families project participates in the Kiva programme to facilitate small loans to enable borrowers without access to traditional banks to expand their business, support and educate their family, save for the future and raise themselves out of poverty. The project has now reached a significant milestone, having loaned some $15,000 to 1000 individuals across the world in just 8 months. The idea is very simple, in that a small loan of $25 is made to a particular project, and when paid back it can be reinvested to a new project or simply retrieved again from your account, after it has helped to do some good in the world.

The project blog at has a breakdown of the sorts of projects that have been helped, and further details on how to sign up - you'll also notice a tab at the top of this blog marked Kiva, which provides a brief summary on options on how to sign up. So far over 160 genealogists have signed up in the last 8 months, but you don't have to be a professional genealogist to participate - if you have $25 going spare, there's definitely someone in the poorer parts of world who can make use of it!

(With thanks to Judy Webster)


British GENES on Facebook at and Twitter @chrismpaton


  1. Chris, thanks for supporting Kiva and the Genealogists for Families project. I can see from the project's blog statistics that many people visit the site after reading about it here on British GENES.
