
Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Disease and Death in British India talk in Edinburgh

Forthcoming talk at the National Library of Scotland (

Painful Tales from the Raj: Disease and Death in British India
Wednesday 10 April, 6pm

What dangers to health did the British face in India? What treatments were available in the 19th century?

In this talk Francine Millard, Digitisation Manager for the Medical History of British India Project, will use fascinating medical reports to explore the more gruesome aspect of the British Indian experience.

The event is free and will take place in the George IV Bridge building in Edinburgh, EH1 1EW.

(With thanks to the NLS)


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. For my other genealogy books, please visit; whilst for my online Scottish based genealogy courses please visit the Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd site.


  1. Hi Chris,
    How can we from across the seas tap in to this talk, Painful Tales from the Raj: Disease and Death in British India ?

  2. No idea, sorry - you could contact them and ask if it is being recorded in any way?
