
Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Homecoming Scotland 2014

Plans for the next Homecoming Scotland event, to take place in 2014, have been announced. You can read a summary at and also at the Homecoming Scotland event site at

There is an ancestry page at but from what I can see the key events confirmed so far are several clan gatherings and a Bannockburn re-enactment. There's also a page showing you how to get to the ScotlandsPeople Centre and the Scottish Genealogy Society, and some of Scotland's archives. No genealogical events have as yet been announced on the site, but the page advises people to bookmark the page for further announcements in due course.

(With thanks to George Mackenzie of the Ancestral Scotland Steering Group)

UPDATE: I should add....! If you are planning to come to Scotland for the Homecoming event, and wish to maximise your time here in regards to ancestral research, there are many professional genealogists based in the country who can help to prepare your research trip in advance. My own research service is called Scotland's Greatest Story, essentially a service to help you uncover the greatest story you will ever find, namely your own. The website is at Along with many other genies, I can carry out research for you in advance, and/or help you to prepare a research itinerary on your trip - this can help you to specifically target resources that are relevant to your own needs in the precious little time that you may have whilst here. So please don't hesitate to get in touch!


My new book, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet, is now available from Pen and Sword. For my other genealogy books, please visit; whilst for my online Scottish based genealogy courses please visit the Pharos Teaching and Tutoring Ltd site.

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