Scottish Research Online (102)
Tutor: Chris Paton
Lesson Headings:
- Scotlands People, Family Search, Ancestry, FreeCen: content, comparison, assessment
- Essential Maps and Gazetteers
- Civil Registration and Census Research Online
- Searching in Church of Scotland Registers Online
- Scottish Wills and Inventories Online
- Take It From Here
Note: it is recommended but not required that students in this course sign up for the basic search option, 30 units/seven days, at ScotlandsPeople (cost is seven pounds).
Each lesson includes exercises and activities; a minimum of 1 one-hour chat s See How the Courses Work.
STUDENTS SAID: "I particularly liked the fact that the course didn't just focus on the well-known BMD resources available, but on a much wider range of websites, including many which give extremely useful background information on the geography and history of the localities where our ancestors lived."
"a very knowledgeable Instructor"
Relevant Countries: Scotland
This course is offered twice annually.
Course Length: 5 Weeks
Start Date: 11 Mar 2019
Cost: £49.99
And for a wee video introduction, visit or watch below!
To sign up to the course, please visit
Note that the follow up course to this, Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the OPRs starts on May 13th - for further details on this, please visit
Hopefully see you there!
For my genealogy guide books, visit, whilst details of my research service are at Further content is also published daily on The GENES Blog Facebook page at
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