Monday 19 September 2011

Original Record update

Now on The Original Record (

Norden's Table of Named Houses in Essex

John Norden, the cartographer, prepared this 'Alphabeticall Table Of the Howses hauing speciall names [in Essex]. And the present occupiers of them.' In many cases only the occupier's surname is given.

Coventry Rental

The rental of the very extensive estates held by the guilds and chantries, by which the sequestrators collected in 1716, with the rental of the warden's account from Michaelmas 1715 to Michaelmas 1716.

Antigua Slaveowners and Buyers

The returns of slaves taken and sold in execution for debts or taxes in Antigua give: date of seizure; date of sale; name of owner; sex of slave; age of slave (usually blank); their relation to each other; the lots in which sold (usually blank); the price at which sold; and the name of the purchaser.

Railway Subscription Contracts

£121,255,374 0s 8d was promised by about 8,000 subscribers of more than £2,000 to the nearly 556 railway bills deposited in the Private Bill Office during the Session of Parliament for 1846. This alphabetical list gives the full names of the subscribers (surname first), description (i. e., occupation), place of abode, a numerical reference to the title of the railway, the amount subscribed to each, and total. There is a separate key to the titles of the railways.

Maldon Poll Book

The poll book for the election of a member of parliament to represent Maldon in Essex at the general election in 1847 gives the full names of all voters (surname first: occupiers distinguished by an asterisk) with occupation, address, and for whom they voted - Quintin Dick, D. Waddington, or T. B. Lennard.


The Home Office issued monthly lists of aliens to whom Certificates of Naturalization had been granted by the Secretary of State and whose oaths of allegiance had been registered in the Home Office. These notices, from January to December 1923, refer to naturalizations from December 1922 to November 1923. The lists give full name (surname first) with any aliases; country of origin; occupation; full postal address; date of taking the oath. A dagger indicates re-admission to British nationality; an asterisk that the person had served in H.M.'s Forces.

Aviators' Certificates

Lists of certificates granted by the Royal Aero Club of the United Kingdom to newly-qualified aviators of powered aircraft: giving certificate number, full name, and name of his or her aero club. Certificate numbers 26745 to 27782, issued from September 1950 to November 1951.


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