Tuesday 20 September 2011

University of London students database

The University of London's archive has made accessible online a list of graduates from 1836-1931. The database can be searched at www.shl.lon.ac.uk/specialcollections/archives/studentrecords.shtml.

From the site:

"During the 19th and early 20th centuries, students who attended other institutions took University of London examinations as external students. Included in these lists, therefore, are students who attended the predecessor institutions of universities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Durham, Heriot-Watt, Southampton, Exeter, Newcastle, Nottingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Cardiff, Leeds, Liverpool, Bangor, Aberystwyth, Surrey, Queen's University Belfast, and University College Dublin."

(With thanks to @sheenatait on Twitter)



  1. URL has changed - visit http://www.senatehouselibrary.ac.uk/our-collections/historic-collections/archives-manuscripts/
