Monday 26 September 2011

Society of Genealogists needs friends!

The Society of Genealogists ( in London has just celebrated its centenary, but without financial help may not survive to see its bicentenary. Now that there are many online commercial vendors in existence the society has fierce competition, and at present can barely cover its costs through membership subscriptions alone. Amongst its many ambitions the society wishes to digitise its own collection of records but cannot afford to do so. As such, it has now launched its new 'Friend' initiative to try to create a more steady stream of additional income beyond donations, legacies and grants.

To be a friend you pay an annual subscription at one of several tiers. A basic friend pays anything up to £100 a year. A 'bronze' friend pays £100 p.a, a 'silver' friend £500 p.a., a 'gold' friend £1000 p.a. and a 'platinum' friend pays a one off sum of £5000, and becomes a pal for life! There are various other benefits other than seeing the society survive - such as friends only days, lectures, a free publication, and if platinum, a plaque with your name on it in the society library.

If interested in signing up, Else Churchill has posted more on the scheme at, whilst the application itself is available at


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